A tangy and refreshing salad! The charred eggplant and lemons make a terrific contrast with the garlicky labneh. If you can't find Labneh, you can use...
The first time my sister (Honey Jeanne) said she was bringing this for me to try, I grimaced. I mean, come on! The ONLY way to eat "cornbread" is hot out...
Everything in the garden can be added to this simple recipe. A great way to enjoy the bounties of produce! I was looking for a way to use some of my over...
We love our home grown pears, and they are an especially good option for roasting or grilling. Grilling pears brings out that delicious smoky, charred...
We like KFC, I know they get a lot of bad comments but the cole slaw is still delicious so I will give you the secret recipe how to make your cole slaw...
My mother in law makes this and thw whole family loves it =) Its easy and can be eaten with a meal or alone for a snack. I love easy and yummy and this...
It wouldn't be a holiday meal without my grandma's Nut Pudding. She made this every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and since she passed away on Thanksgiving...
This is a very good salad, the only difference is the recipe calls for green olives but I use black olives instead. So i'm putting black olives but you...
Quick and easy. egg recipe given to me by an elderly neighbor, she always gave me a jar at Christmastime. The last time she gave me some she gave me the...
This ia a great healthy Greek Salad that will satisfy you mentally and physically. This is one tasty plate of yumminess, bursting with flavor. You can...
Another trip down memory lane for me. I grew up on this stuff! I especially love it on toast, and it has to be cut diagonally or it just doesn't taste...
I have made this with red delicious apple and with granny smith apple, with and without the lemon juice, and with and without the nuts. The great thing...
This recipe is a amalgamation of several recipes. I really rolled the dice on this one and came out lucky. My sister in law loved it, and requested it,...
I found the original recipe on Pinterest, however, since I was looking for something dairy and soy free, with no processed sugar, I've altered it. My family...
Often spinach salad is often adorned with one type of fruit or berries, this one takes into account a summer fruit explosion. You can make your own poppyseed...
This recipe might sound a bit odd but it is delicious and nutritious. I've been trying to include more tuna in our diet. If you just can't do tuna .......
This is a recipe that I got off the Food Network website, year's ago. It has been a favorite ever since. Every time I make it, everyone loves it. It makes...
Very fresh salad from 100 days of real food. Always looking for different things to do with quinoa. Rice or couscous could also be substituted for the...
The ingredients in this recipe I never vary. They are what give it that "splendid" flavor. Great for sandwiches and as a cracker spread for hors d'eouvres....
I LOVE this salad, and it's so easy to put together! I like that I can make this salad during the summer months, with the variety of fresh lettuce and...
An old-fashioned cucumber salad. So good! Excellent when served alongside Chicken Paprikas. Time does not include resting time of one hour, or refrigeration...
This is one of Mom's recipes, that unfortunately I can't eat since I am allergic to shellfish. If you have any suggestions for alternates to the crab and...
While looking for a recipe to bring to a barbeque I found this newspaper clipping for this salad Made it and brought to the party where everyone was asking...
Tuna salad, chicken salad or shrimp salad are all equally delicious when paired with garden fresh tomatoes, imho. I like using the small shrimp b/c they...
Mediterranean Grilled Vegetable Salad is the perfect Summer side dish or light vegetarian main course, enjoyed by my family, like all greeks. You can grill...
This is such a wonderful diet friendly and delicious Summer Salad. Be sure to serve it in a clear glass bowl. When it's my turn for Bunco Lunch I triple...
This recipe is one of our favorites. My husband made it for our Christmas dinner one year. It quickly became a favorite at our dinner table. This is a...
My grandmother used to make cucumber salad with cucumbers, onions, sour cream, vinegar, sugr salt and pepper. I always loved this salad and one day came...
This salad has great memories for me, it is the salad I made for our first Anniversary Dinner. My husband was really taken aback at the slightly sweet...
This is also considered (Hot Cabbage Salad) and was first introduced to America by the Holland Dutch when they settled in New York in 1624. They called...